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Information regarding Islamic Accounts

What is an Islamic Account?

An Islamic Account is not much different than the usual Live ECN account. The noticeable difference is when it comes to swap/rollover fees. 

Swap/rollover fees are not charged on Islamic Accounts, therefore, making these accounts compliant with Sharia Law.

Does this mean no further fees are charged on Islamic Accounts?

Whilst swap/rollover fees are not applicable on Islamic Accounts, you will still be charged for commission fees, spreads, and other standard terms when trading with an Islamic Account.

Who can make use of Islamic Accounts?

We do not restrict any of our clients from creating an Islamic Account.

Overnight costs 

If a trade is open past the end of the day server time, your account will be charged an Overnight cost.

If I change to an Islamic Account, can I get a refund of my previous Swap Fees?

We would be unable to issue any refunds whatsoever.

What currencies are available?

Islamic Accounts are only available in USD ($).



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